

National Service Scheme

About National Service Scheme


The National Service Scheme was started by Government of India, Ministry of Education and Culture, Govt. of India, in Collaboration with State Government in the year 1969 in 37selected Universities. Our University has been participating in the scheme right from its inception. At present the scheme is run by the ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports in Central Government and Department of Higher & Technical Education in State Government.

At present around 120 colleges of our University are implementing this scheme. Panjab University with 15 NSS units has been organizing various NSS activities in the PU Campuses and its 5 adopted villages falling in the UT Chandigarh and around 70 villages situated in state of Punjab. Major achievements of the Panjab University NSS are implementation of NSS Elective subject in the undergraduate courses, PGI Assistance Project, 2nd position of NSS Contingent at State Level Parade, E-Waste Management Programme and Digital Literacy Programme.

The Motto
The motto of the NSS is: 'NOT ME BUT YOU'. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person's point of view.

NSS was formally launched on 24thSeptember, 1969, the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation. Therefore, 24 September is celebrated every year as NSS Day.

Components of NSS
NSS Programme Officer, NSS Volunteer and Community are considered the three basic components of the NSS.
NSS Programme Officer: who is a member of the teaching faculty provides necessary leadership to the NSS students.
NSS Volunteer: who is a school, college and university level student.
Community: who provides NSS volunteer the first-hand knowledge of living conditions of Masses.

Classification of NSS Activities

NSS activities have been divided in two major groups. These are regular NSS activities and special camping programme.

  1. Regular NSS Activity: Under this, students undertake various programmes in the adopted villages, college/school/university campuses and urban slums during week-ends or after college hours. Duration of these services is 120 hours.
  2. Special Camping Programme: Under this, camps of 7 days duration are organised in adopted villages or urban slums during vacations with some specific projects by involving local communities. 50% NSS volunteers are expected to participate in these camps.

Terms of NSS
Under the NSS Programme any student studying in a school, college and university who opts for and is selected for NSS is expected to continue for the period of two years and is required to render service for a minimum 120 hours per year and he is also required to participate in at least one 7 days special camping programme. The Special Camping Programme will be treated as separate project and the hours of work put in those programmes will be accounted separately and they should not be included in the 120 hours of normal NSS.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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